Wednesday, May 13, 2015


What better way to celebrate the EPIC 15 yeaanniversary of the SPECTACULAR ROCKAWAY monthly Sunday dance than with a JOHN-AAA-THON!!!

Our favorite "JOHNS" taught and DJ'd this venue during the FAAANTASTIC anniversary party held on May 3, 2015 in Rockaway, New Jersey (about 30 miles from Manhattan).

Mr. "Manhattan" a/k/a John Festa taught the pre-party lesson and DJ'd. 

"Coolio" Lindo also spread the musical grooooove!

Everyone was there! 

They came from Philadelphia ... Hudson Valley ... Manhattan ... and all over New Jersey.

Ben Pollack, Susan & Teddy Sams

Kim with Heik Perez

The Hostess with the MOSTEST, Kim Hayden, laid out a feast ... FIT for DANCERS! 

Since the the lesson starts at 5pm and the dance goes to 9pm, dinner is served right after the lesson.

Keith Morrison & Friend
Then dancing begins in EARNEST!

While the tunes are a California Mix ... John Festa seasons the playlist with oldies and a few unusual musical choices. 
Count on JohnF to come up with songs we haven't heard since ... the last time JohnF DJ'd!

When JohnnyL plays ... it's a bona fide California Mix and everyone enjoys his imaginative tunings of two-steps, nightclubs, cha-cha and waltz (about 40% is WCS).

JohnnyL's westie JAM is da bomb!

Nooooobody EVER DJ'd better. 
And there was cake!!! 
All this ... a lesson by a Master's-MASTER, two of the best DJs on earth, wonderful dance community, food and CAKE for $0. Yes ... zero, nada, zilch.

That's how JohnnyL thanx his loyal following for their support.

John Crownover & Friend
But ... JOHN(s) ... 
We want to thank you guys for making dancing a whole lot better in the State of New Jersey
Without a coupla JOHNS, this corner of the dance world would not be as vibrant!!!

JohnnyL's other AAAmazing venue is a joint way out in the boonies ... and it's the coolest west coast swing dance in the tri-state area.

Thursday Swings is held 2wice a month at the VFW out in Whippany, NJ. This kitschy nite spot is just the kind of funky, divey roadhouse that swingers dig!

Everyone comes out of the woodwork for this one ... and everything about this place is off-beat ... EXCEPT the music!!!

Peter Bandy & Friend
When JohnnyL is in town ... there isn't a space in the entire, sprawling, dirt parking lot.

When Arjay Centeno DJs, he commands a good size crowd too. 
But Arjay is a different flavor. More WCS than Cali mix ... but lots of fresh music
And he's likely to throw is his toddler's favorite songs!

Steve Wilder and Lauren Ebin
But it doesn't really matter who DJs or where we're hanging out. It's all about the people who dance in New Jersey. There's lots of them. And they're all goooood! 

NO phony attitude, NO cliquey-ness, NO snobbery, NO aloofness.

Thursday Swings is held at the VFW located at 750 Route 10, Whippany, NJ (973 515-5221). There is a lesson at 8pm and dancing at 8:30pm. The next date is May 21, with Arjay teaching and DJing. Cost is $12.

Let’s Dance in Rockaway is located at 100 Hibernia Ave., Rockaway NJ. There is a dance and lesson each month. Normally the cost is $20 (incl dinner). Coming up:

June 7: Hazel & Tybaldt (WCS workshop)
July 12: Arjay Centeno (WCS workshop
August 2: Diane Nardone (Hustle workshop)

(Directions are offered in the event flier ... but better ... after you turn right off the exit ramp, look for the very 1st opportunity to turn left. It's a "narrow" opportunity! If you can finagle your way onto that turn, finding the place is easy. That's the trick.)
Robert & Nicola at Swing Dance America 2015
Coming up May 16 & 17 is the Royston-Cox-Lindo ... "The Dance WithinIntensive!

This is a deal of a lifetime! Check it out: for a MEASILY $90 ... you get 18 hours of workshops by four WORLD RENOWNED TEACHERS and 2 dances (Fri & Sat nite) DJ'd by John Festa, Dave Muzii and John Lindo. (Details on JohnnyL's website listed below.) 

Hopefully, this is the start of regularly scheduled intensives!

Don't forget Liberty Swing Dance Championships! Where else can you see JohnnyL dressed like Elvis? Who knows what he's got in store for us this year! Liberty is one of the BEST events in America ... and maybe even in the whole world. 

The location is AAAwesome!!! The event is nestled in the lovely college town of New Brunswick, NJ ... with lots of cafes, shopping and parks nearby. New Jersey Transit easily and cheaply delivers from Newark Airport and Manhattan (about 30-40 minutes away).   
June 25-28, 2015 
To get on an email mailing list or find updated info about all things in Lindo-Land, keep an eye on John Lindo's website.

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