Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Platinum Party - Good Bye Anthony ... Hello Stephen & Sonya!

Platinum Party, June 2014, will be the EPIC event of the year ... 
and maybe even the decade! 

Everyone - who is anyone in the dance world - knew it was the place to be. 

Old timers from back in the day of North River Bar were there. 

Legends and Allstars turned up such as John Festa,
Brian Faust and Stephanie McHenry (who came 
from Pittsburgh) ... all turned up.

Jacqueline Joyner & Brett Nomberg
The current crew of 
Strictly Tuesday cool kids showed up. 

Peter Khoo & Tania Zatz-Gillman

People came from upstate New York,
Long Island and Hartford and all over Connecticut. 

Car loads traveled in from New Jersey.

Picture Courtesy of Jun Ogata

Erik Novoa, host extraordinaire, threw a
HeLLuVa send off for Anthony DeRosa
who is leaving us to join his Lady Love, Shelby,
in North Carolina. 

Anthony DJ'd his own going away party, as was fitting,
and he NEVER played better. 

All the nights of our lives that we danced to Anthony's music ... yet this is the one we will always remember most.

And that wasn't all!

Erik has fallen madly in love with that magnificent teaching duo Stephen White & Sonya Desserault! 
Not since Robert Cordoba arrived in NYC in 1994, have we seen anything like it. This charming couple really hit the spot with the locals around here. 

This Florida Boy and Canadian Frenchie fit right in with the rest of us!

Sonya dancing with Chris Johnson

It's not just that they are young and happening ... 
it's that they are real teachers. 
This is New in New York City! 

Sure, we've had plenty of people who THINK they can teach! 

And some people who unfortunately have the unmitigated gall to try.

But for once, we actually had quality instruction.

So that's how the party started ... with lesson material that everyone 
could implement right away ... delivered in a very theatrical 
and humorous manner. 

We were not simply taking a class, it was more like we 
were part of an off Broadway ... sorta improv production. 

Stephen's persona is actually quite impressive and he seems to be a naturally polished stage performer.

What a night ... people came out of the woodwork! 

I saw dancers I hadn't seen in years. 

The room couldn't have packed any more dancers in. 

Air conditioning was stretched to the limit ... 

New York City is the original "hot town, summer in the city" kinda place with old buildings, auxiliary cooling and small space. 

But we always MANAGE. 

Maybe space is small and odd shaped ...
but its got character(s)!

Fortunately there was a bar!

People reminisced about the night Anthony and his family first turned up at North River Bar ... back when the kid was only 14 years old. 

Spanky, the manager of the place, didn't want to let Anthony in. But, this is New York City and we make our own rules. Anthony and his bother walked in with Mom and Dad and they all looked around. And then they started dancing. 

I asked Anthony what his very first impression of that joint was. He told me he felt like he had come "home." Now that's a true westie!

John Festa & Barbara Jackson
Back in those days, the floor was crappy, there were pool tables and poles and too many people ... but we didn't care. 

It was just so damn COOL to be there! 

That's why John Festa is a genius. He created a legend. 
(Please John ... do it again!)

Today, Anthony is a living legend of those times. And those of us who were there that night, had the rare privilege of watching the story come to its conclusion. 
Good Bye Anthony ... we wish you well.  
Peggy DeRosa & Erik Novoa
We want you to leave ... and NOT come back! 

Anthony's Mom & Dad were in the house on Friday night too, just like the first time. 

As a matter of fact, they've come to Anthony's venues just enjoy themselves many times over the years. 

John DeRosa & Susan Hardwick

His folks even split up and they still stayed friends and stayed in support of Anthony. That says it all. 

Shelby is a lucky girl!

Stephen & Andrew DiAngelo

Throughout the night Stephen & Sonya made every effort to dance with all the guests.

Stephen followed too. We like it that way in NYC ... where gender is irrelevant. 

People were delighted to be in their company and that doesn't happen with everyone who comes to town. 

But then, New York City is the place for different people and those who are unafraid to live their dreams

At first, I was disappointed that Stephen & Sonya didn't perform for us. But it didn't matter. 
Like true stars, once they danced together, we were all swept away. 

All at once, we get the magic of their attraction to each other.
Stephen seems to gently disarm Sonya and bring
her into his

She seems intrigued by his demeanor. 

It's as if we are watching a ballet or opera being created in our midst. 

Look who turned up!

It was a rare and special treat to see the 
beautiful Stephanie McHenry! 

I am always struck by how elegant this woman is. She is certainly one of the best dancers ... and one of the best teachers I've ever witnessed. The gal knows how to make a point! 
Stephanie once said ... followers need to manage our partners, at times. (Not just follow and suffer.

She said it while looking right at me. It was an epiphanous moment and I took it to heart. Thanx Stephanie!
Brian Faust turned up too. I haven't seen him in so long, I forgot he existed! 

People have a tendency to come in and out of this dance. 

Life sidetracks us ... but its so easy to get back on board. 

Since this is not like ballroom dance where we need a continually improving skill set in a bunch of dances. With west coast swing, we have only ONE dance obsession!
Connecticut was in the house, BIG time! The weekend before, Erik had Stephen & Sonya up to Norwalk to give workshops and attend a dance. 

The endeavor was hugely successful. 

Stephen & Sonya are not YET A+list members and in this region, getting the numbers of attendees that they drew (40+ for workshops and 100+ for the dance), is a job for someone in Robert Royston's league! 

For more info about Stephen & Sonya

All I have heard since that weekend is how much they were loved!!! 

People are starved for a good teachers and instruction. 

Stephen & Sonya brought all new material
(or a new take) ... 

and delivered it in a fresh manner ... and with the ultimate amount of encouragement. 

A welcome change for a lot of people who are struggling with this dance.

Even Thomas A. Johnson, host of DanceGourmet, took the train into NYC for the Platinum Party festivities and to meet Stephen & Sonya. 

I attended Dance Gourmet in May, when he brought in Jason Wayne and served us a dinner to remember. This is a "must do" venue!

Tom is also the inventor of the Muffkie! Check it out: (

There was a convoy from Hudson Valley headed by
Pam Marshall.

Jun Ogata (right) and Suzanne Hardwick attended. 

The Hudson Valley dance community is shaping up nicely

Pam had Robert Royston in her town recently for workshops and it was a big hit! 

People came from the surrounding area as well as Montreal and Phoenix.

Pam said: 

"Stephen &  Sonia are blazing a WCS trail into the NYC scene ... 
quickly becoming THE "RED" HOT power couple. 
Their workshops are fun and informative." 

Stephen White and 
Hugo Miguez are coming in November.  

Hugo is quite a sensation in Florida.


Stephen & Sonya will be
joining the staff 

Justin Bozina & Tania Zatz-Gillman

New Jersey sent plenty of people to represent too. 

Lots of quality dancing out there and those dancers are real quality. Often, excellent dancers come up Philadelphia.

There is nothing like a "Wonderful Wendy Wingding" or Rockaway Sunday hosted by John Lindo. 

Not to mention the Thursday Swings venues held by Kim Hayden (in conjunction with John Lindo). 

These dances are the AAAstonishingly good.

To come into Manhattan requires paying tolls and parking (headaches). It takes quite a major event LIKE THIS ONE to get people into the city! 

At 1:30 am we got thrown out of the building ... 

begging for one more song! 

People did not want to leave! 

Every tune was amazing and it was surely a night to remember. 

Jim Chow, right, said:

"Great party! Sorry to see Anthony go. We'll miss him."

It was the kind of party we should have every weekend 
in Manhattan! 

The lovely Anna was not able to be with us. She would have made the night complete. 

Anna & Erik recently had a baby girl and its just too soon for them to join us again. 

We all look forward to Anna's return and to meeting little Charlotte. 
Thanx Erik ... for the STUPENDOUS PARTY .... 

Thanx for giving Anthony a send-off fit for a Living Legend of New York City ... 

Thanx for bringing Stephen & Sonya in to teach and play with us ... 

Thanx for being part of our dance community! 

For more information about Erik Novoa and his HAPPENINGS

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