When I heard about their brilliant scheme to bring the STELLAAAR teachers, Matt & Crystal AAAuclair into their community for 5 days of NON-STOP dancing, I was the 1st person to write a check!
i.e., CAnAdiAn Ingenuity!!!
The AAAuclair BootCAMP was held in Ancaster, Ontario (Canada), about 40 mi. south of Toronto.
Waterfalls abound everywhere.
Lovely hiking trails pop up and there are great parks too.
The lake shore is dotted with charming little towns filled with shops, cafes and even waterfronts with accessible beach areas.
Arriving at the Toronto airport Wednesday evening, I got a HeLLuVa deal from a relatively new outfit:
Peel Car Rentals. http://peelcarrentals.com/
I slogged thru traffic and finally arrived at the Marshall Memorial United Church where my wonderful Torontoes were
cheerily dancing away!
BootCAMP started with a practice and individual (private) assessment and people at similar levels were temporarily paired just for that purpose.
cheerily dancing away!
BootCAMP started with a practice and individual (private) assessment and people at similar levels were temporarily paired just for that purpose.
Written assessments were provided and we were placed in one of two levels:
A = Newcomer/Novice
B = Novice/Intermediate
B = Novice/Intermediate
Some of us have worked VERY hard for YEARS ..... pouring a great deal of $weat, time and emotion$ into this endeavor.
We paid our paid our due$$$ and made it to a higher division. We've had to learn to MANAGE all kinds of partners. The reason for different levels was to enable everyone to have the true opportunity to simply work on their own skill set with similar partners.
Newcomer/Novice level dancers were afforded the unique opportunity to learn about MASTERFUL leading/following. That’s what it takes to GET (the hell) OUTTA Novice Division in competition.
Beauty and dance training is not enough. It takes learning to MANAGE all kinds of situations. Furthermore, we can't afford the smallest technique issue.
Liz McB (above with Lewis Chan) said: "A million thanks to Matt & Crystal for being amazing, insightful, patient, energizer bunny instructors; to Elaine for the insight and diligence to pull this off, to the leaders for their support, humour and occasional nagging; to the followers for their support and sisterhood."
There were future SuperStars in that group and they'll go further because they got a big dose of what they really needed.
These assessments were video'd and explained so that we were clear about our goals. Though not everyone was a competitor, that's how I've met most of the attendees. Of course, there are always a few who simply enjoy mastering their own craft.
Upon requesting quotes from the attendees after the event, the most interesting phenomena occurred. It appears that most people were touched on a personal and emotional level.
During the experience our feet were often sore and many were soooo tired ...
at times I wished this event would please end!!!
at times I wished this event would please end!!!
And then it did.
Thomas Clyde (right) said: “So awesome. It was meant to be a dance boot camp - and truly was. With 4 hrs of classes and 3 hrs of ASSISTED practice a day, by the last night I couldn't stay up late even if I tried. And they weren't messing around either, they were working AT LEAST 10 hrs a day (since we had 2 groups), that's without the planning they were doing outside of teaching hours - and they never let up - never tried to cut a class short when they were tired. If we only had 4 minutes left, Matt was like: LET'S Gooooo!!!"
But, just like good ole' boys remembering REAL basic training ...
all those push-ups (i.e., sugar pushes) ... are soon forgotten.
What remains are the moments of epiphany ...
and the camaraderie and feeling the kindness from Matt & Crystal because they really get how hard
this whole thing is for some of us.
and the camaraderie and feeling the kindness from Matt & Crystal because they really get how hard
this whole thing is for some of us.
Jean Polychenko (above - group lunch at My Thai) said: "Matt and Crystal Dance Camp is the best experience ever! Excellent, detailed, clear instructions and individual attention during coached practices - loved it! Matt and Crystal are wonderful instructors, amazing dancers who share their knowledge and passion for dancing generously to all their students. Many thanks to Elaine for organizing this camp, answering on numerous questions and keeping up our schedules. Much appreciated! Looking forward to the next year..."
The hotel was grAAAnd!!!
It was just a Hamptons Inn, but it had class. Before heading off to hoof it for 3 hrs, we enjoyed a wonderful breakfast which was included in our stay.
Everyone sat together and filled up on eggs, BACON, waffles, fruit and more!
this got serious!
Level B (Novice/Intermediate) hit the ground running!!!
3 hrs of classes in Connectivity, Spins and Musicality ... and short breaks for guided practice.
Then there was a combined 30 minute drill class at 12:15 pm.
This area is famous for its many outdoor places. Some opted for a quick trip to "Fortinos" (local grocery store), and
then off one of the many parks to revel in the summer day.
Flora Wan (right) said: “Absolutely the best investment I’ve made in my dancing since I started west coast swing. Matt & Crystal are two of the most generous and hard-working pros I’ve ever worked with and I would register for this same dance camp again without hesitation.”
After the lunch break, the 2nd group had their lessons. Each day it alternated so we all shared the AAAnguish of getting to early morning sessions.
The other class had their 3 hrs of classes starting after lunch at 2 p.m. Newcomer/Novice level learned basically some of the same things, only at a slower pace.
Lucky me ... my friends were willing to join me in a pilgrimage to the mecca of BBQ,
Swiss Chalet!!!
Swiss Chalet!!!
Deb Smith (above w/Lionel Marks) said: “An amazing shift in my dance quality!!! Matt & Crystal showed what I did and how to improve tremendously. Thank You – Thank You!!!
This was a BIG highlight. Matt told us to decide which issues to work on and invite our colleagues to help.
JP Marchand said: “This dance camp was the most comprehensive dance instruction experience I’ve had since beginning pursuing instruction in WCS 3 years ago. Matt & Crystal are incredibly knowledgeable teachers and also very personable, helpful and caring, making each concept taught accessible to all students. I know my level of dancing has definitely improved over the duration of the camp. I highly recommend this type of dance experience to WCS dancers of all levels!"
Each day we reviewed the previous day's material and added on. The Connectivity lessons tackled a HUGE issue in this dance.
We mostly focused on our own problems, but universally we learned more about creating stretch by refining our first step.
We drilled, drilled and DRILLED ... and our teachers were always on hand to catch us in the act of committing former crimes!
We’ve all seen these difficult turns in routines but had no idea how to execute.
Especially when trying to twirl on one foot!
We need all the tools we can get!
Lionel Marks (right) said: "I just woke up in the middle of the night with an idea of how to hit the "tick-tock-tick-tocks" in Justin Timberlake's song "Four Minutes" and tried it in the mirror, my improvement in my body movement just made me smile -- in dancing, I've learned that progress may come at different times than I'd like, but when it does come, damn it's satisfying!"
Lots of other types of spins were offered - such as chanies (sha-nays: ballet term for traveling turns).
There was the spin in which the leader was in back and had our hands up like prisoners of war. (I’d rather be water-boarded!)
And other complicated spins … (that I can also live without).
And other complicated spins … (that I can also live without).
The Musicality workshops were extremely insightful.
We tackled developing the ability to respond to other instruments in the song.
This is where the Novice separates from the Intermediate. Many of us have learned to hear the break coming. Some of us understand about stretching out with the long notes.
It's fun to interpret the lyrics.
What's new to us, however, is emphasizing the other instruments.
We got a clue about what do when a cool sound pops up on the music, like saxophone, the piano or even the triangle.
Alex Jaku (above) said: "The dance camp is probably the single best thing I’ve done to help my dance development all year. Matt & Crystal not only have amazing content but they took a personal interest in our development over the 5 days, and helped us implement it all correctly. The guided practice sessions every evening, where Matt & Crystal walk around and correct technique, give helpful hints to be more musical, and answer questions, is something I’ve never found anywhere else! I’ve grown as a dancer thanks to this experience and great teachers. It’s well-run, a great concept - can’t wait to sign up next year!"
Elaine's Ancaster WCS Dance!!!
People come from miles around...
across the border of New York, they drove down from Toronto … and in from the many towns around.
Joanna Swanson taught the 1st lesson.
I already knew she was an AAAmazing teacher because ALL her students are successful!
Carolina A. said: “I took part in Joanna's lesson on Saturday night. It was a fun pattern that got the followers to be creative with movement down the slot. Joanna's wicked sense of humour always makes her lessons a blast!!”
Move over Victor Loviera!!!
Watch out Ruby Lair!!! You guyz got real competition!
This chick can read the room like a classic. She played some of the standard favorites and plenty of new fresh stuff.
It was impossible to stop moving!
It was impossible to stop moving!
Joanna (above) said about the BootCAMP: "I have always loved Matt & Crystal’s dancing and workshops, but never imagined I could get so much out of 5 days of training and COACHED practices. The drills will change my dancing NOW. Constant feedback helps develop new, good technique without falling back into old habits. They're warm, genuine and truly want to help us be a better dancer. Anyone getting this chance - DO IT! You'll be sore, tired and exhausted, but it'll be soooo worth it. Every day you practice what you learned the day before and every day it gets better. Most workshops give an idea and we are left on our own to follow through. There was a noticeable improvement in almost every person between the audition dance and the final evaluation. This will make me a better dancer as well as a better teacher to my students. "
It was so soooo good to see Julie Epplett ... Canada's 1st Lady of WCS.
This dancing powerhouse helped to create a remarkAAAble dance community.
Visitors to Toronto should check out her LEGENDAAARY ...
"Groovy Tuesdays."
Erica MacIvor (left with Arthur) said: “This definitely helped bring the level of dancing up in Toronto. Thanks Matt & Crystal.”
Nevertheless ... they gladly performed for us.
Their ability to interpret a song like
“Sitting on the Dock of the Bay” is a BIG inspiration!!!
“Sitting on the Dock of the Bay” is a BIG inspiration!!!
FreddEEE Combes, who came all the way from France said:
“When the song came to that part about the wave and Crystal moved like that … I was blown away. It was so cool!”
We were immensely grateful because these are the moments when we can touch our full potential.
They bring the best out of us and we feel like we can do anything.
Tal Schor (left) said: "The five days of intensive dance camp with Matt Auclair and Crystal Lambert-Auclair are over. I can't begin to express what an amazing learning experience it has been, and how inspired I feel. You guys rock and I can't wait to do it again next year."
People just want to feel special. Our lives are burdened by boring jobs and thankless responsibilities.
It never ends! The taxes – the bills – the disappointments. Some of us reach a point where we actually have it under control now ... and we can try to make our dreams come true.
At the end of the 5 days we were all re-assessed to find out what was improved and what still needed work.
This was video'd and narrated with a running commentary.
All class summaries as well as the assessments were included in our individual CDs (included in the course).
Dolly Sherry (right) said: “Matt and Crystal Auclair are a power house. Their intensive workshop was an answer to my WCS prayers. Their instruction was right on--they zeroed in on the most important and difficult aspects of the dance. Thanks for making a difference to my passion: WCS.”
Everyone has a much better idea of what should be changed and what worked well.
Lewis Chan (left) said: "Matt and Crystal were awesome! They provided top notch teaching and inspired and motivated us. They maintained a keen sense of humour despite the long days of instruction and surprised practice. The 5 day camp flew by. Can hardly wait for the next one!"
Matt commented on a point I made in my New Orleans article about the way the Novice Jack n' Jills were run.
I said there needed to be two heats so some
would not get squished into the corners and basically get screwed.
would not get squished into the corners and basically get screwed.
Matt's interesting response is that the corners can work for us if we perform for the audience.
While I like that idea for the
Intermediate Division, Novice
Intermediate Division, Novice
situation is more complicated.
We are often told just to present good technique.
Most Novice dancers are just not at a point of being able to do a good job AND clown around.
Next year, we would appreciate more detailed information about what the judges look for in Newcomer, Novice and Intermediate levels. A picture of the successful competitor needs to be created so that some of us can try to visualize our goal.
The hotel experience was probably the 2nd best of all the events I've ever been to.
(#1 is the Hilton Garden Inn in Twinsburg, Ohio for Cashbash).
(#1 is the Hilton Garden Inn in Twinsburg, Ohio for Cashbash).
Okay, so the location was 20 miles away and in the middle of nowhere. This was offset by a splendid FREE breakfast, dinner & wine Mon-Thurs, FREE COFFEE all day (and cookies), access to the Jacuzzi any time (even after closing), level of comfort, general EXCELLENT treatment by the hotel staff and proximity to AAAbsolutely terrific hiking/biking/running trails.
We all grouped together together to travel – whether to the lesson location – or meals. We took care of each other.
There were five of us in our room for five days. What could have been "oy vey" situations ... turned out rather well (with only minor - and quickly forgotten - irritation).
I wouldn't have missed out on that experience. It made it feel more like camping!
We even had a party in our room on Friday night! The whole things had a summertime carefree and fun feel.
There are a few special dance communities that I've discovered in my travels. The Torontoes are always at the top of my list.
They're like a BIG and gentle floating vine spread over the city – bursting with lovely CFEERY tomatoes (NOT cherry).
Elaine Royds is the brilliant creator of the AAAuclair Dance Camp, as well as the wildly popular dance venue ...
Elaine's Ancaster WCS Dance.
“Super-mega-huge props to Elaine for putting on this event. Girl you are BADAAASSSSS!!!”
This is the BIG monthly DO that everyone looks forward to in the Toronto community.
Robert Royston (left - at John Lindo's monthly Rockaway, NJ venue) is coming to Toronto in January!
Registration is still open - contact: elaines.eyephone@gmail.com
3rd Year in a Row!!!
What a difference this gal has made in her community.
(Too bad Elaine is not American, she could join the ticket with Hillary!)
Check out Tuesday nights with Julie Epplett at her weekly venue...
"West Coast Swing Sundays"
Local dancers speak highly of Shelly which tells me how popular and successful she is becoming.
The Toronto WCS incubator has produced the SMAAART TEAM of Joanna Swanson & Giselle Jaigai who are bringing Doug & Lori Rousar in to give workshops on November 2.
They recently arranged for Angel Figueroa to teach in their area. Info on everything Toronto can always be found at http://towestcoast.com/ and http://www.mmuc.org/?group=dances
This BootCAMP provided a MIRAAACULOUS opportunity to help us develop our craft. Matt & Crystal get how much it is possible to suffer in the wake of this dance ... which is supposed to be fun.
Their own students do well, but in their travels they encounter us poor schmucks
shoveling $$$ at this dance … only to fail.
I got out of Novice and you can too!
It takes working with people like the AAAclairs ...
pushing yourself through bootcamps and workshops … private lessons with GOOD teachers, participating in ProAm Strictlies and ProAm Routines when possible.
You know what? This is WORK! Not the slavery that we must do Monday thru Friday to make somebody else successful.
Whenever my supervisors annoy me at my day job, I just think about
the fact that not one of them can dance like us!
the fact that not one of them can dance like us!
Elaine, Matt & Crystal!!!
It was one of the most worthwhile experiences of my whole dance life.
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